June 1 1533: What Anne Boleyn Wore To Her Coronation

Via PBS' Wolf Hall 
Today in 1533, Anne Boylen was crowned Queen of England. Of course, because I am way too obsessed interested in historic fashion, today's post is all about it! The following quote was recorded by Edward Hall. Read the rest of his account here

"Dressed in a kirtle of crimson velvet decorated with ermine, and a robe of purple velvet decorated with ermine over that, and a rich coronet with a cap of pearls and stones on her head; and the old duchess of Norfolk carrying her train in a robe of scarlet with a coronet of gold on her cap, and Lord Burgh, the queen’s Chamberlain, supporting the train in the middle. After her followed ten ladies in robes of scarlet trimmed with ermine and round coronets of gold on their heads; and next after them all the queen’s maids in gowns of scarlet edged with white Baltic fur."

Still interested?
If you are in a very fitting Anne Boylen mood today, here are some more articles to reference if you want to know even more!
The Anne Boleyn Files
On The Tudor Trail has a bunch more articles full of amazing information on both Anne Boleyn's and Elizabeth I's coronation.


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