All The Unmentionables!

Every good costume needs a good foundation.

The problem is that I hate making mockups and hate making petticoats...

But I love making the dress!

Just thinking about how this affected my first pair of 18th-century stays makes me cringe. Anway, I have decided the counter this issue by making myself all of the necessary undies from a variety of era before making the dress.  If I am diligent and organize my sewing area that it might work!

Here is the plan:

1 Tudor shift
1 Tudor petticoat
1 Tudor kirtle

1 linen shift
1 pair of stays
1 pair of panniers
1  bumpad
Petticoats, petticoats, petticoats!

1 chemise
1 pair of drawers
1 corset
1 crinoline
1 crinolette
1 bustle
All the petticoats!

What am I doing right now?
I am working on the mockup of an 1880s corset that I will use for 1850s-1880s dresses. I am also waiting for some lightweight linen from a order to make a Georgian shift. I will update you guys when all of the fabric comes! I can't wait! In the meantime, I will continue procrastinating the organization my sewing area...(oops!)


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